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27 Awesome Facts of Ginger

Ginger on Gray Surface
Yellow ginger

Ginger is known for his incredible medicinal values around the world. it is widely used as a spice and herbal medicines. In India ginger is used in multiple Ayurveda medicines to cure some dieses in natural way.

Production and exports of Ginger

1.   In India, From ancient times onwards a wide range and multiple varieties of ginger have been cultivating and exporting. India is the World's leading Ginger producer country.Except India major ginger production countries are Nigeria, China, and Indonesia etc.

2.   Though India is the World's leading in Ginger producer country but China is world's leading in ginger exports. In the another hand USA is leading in importer of ginger.


Types of Ginger 

3.   There are many kinds of ginger available worldwide. Among them the 
Mango ginger
Yellow ginger (the root of common ginger)
Red ginger
Baby ginger
Blue ginger                        
Torch ginger


Uses of Ginger 

4.   A healthy person can take ginger 1.5-2 gram in a single day without any side effect.         
5.   The ginger leaves were used to flavour delicious food. Ginger leaves can be eaten directly too. 
6.   Some special meat cushiness ginger leaves used. 
7.   Ginger is used for body healing purposes due to its incredible medical values.  
8.   Whenever we plan for delicious cushiness, We use ginger along with other  spices. Ginger juice also used in various vegetarian  and non vegetarian cuisines all over the world. Ginger paste is used for various curry, soup and fry purposes. Dry ginger is used in snakes and spices. Ginger with garlic brought a delicious flavor in Cuisine like Chicken, mutton, fish stuff.
9.   Blue ginger uses as a coking purposes.

10.       Ginger with honey is a unique combination of health benefits. that is used as a candy.

11.       Ginger is used in bakery items such as bread, cookies, pettish, and other product of snakes. 


Ginger and 2 Lemon Fruit
Ginger, lemon combination in cold and hot drinks

12.       Smooth drinks cold drinks like ginger soda with lemonade also a popular cold drinks during summertime and restaurant bar too. Ginger is used in the wine. By boiling ginger with water and cumin powder we can prepare herbal tea, Masala tea.

13.       Pickle of Mango Ginger is a very good food which is taken during mealtime. In South India, mango ginger is widely used in pickles and chutney. In chutney Coconut, green chilly, peanut with ginger is a kind of traditional chutney cuisines.

14.       Flower buds of torch ginger is used in Thai salad and chili sauce. Baby ginger, yellow ginger is used in salads,

Benefits of Ginger

15.       A Normal person can take 3-4 gram ginger, If pregnant than can consume 1 gram.

16.       Ginger has an incredible substance is called Gingerol, which behaves as the best antibiotic. It helps in Digestion, reduce block nose cold, fever, and flu. The antibiotic Gingerol  Kills internal harmful viruses and bacteria. Ginger keep our mouth healthy. it avoids our mouth from unpleasant smell. Ginger is beneficial for the common cold, dry cough, and throat irritation.

17.       Ginger Reduces the chance of external skin infections, itches, etc.

18.       Body immunity systems improve by consuming Ginger regularly.

19.       Chronic diseases such as cough are easily controlled by raw ginger juice.
Throat irritation and dry cough can be treated by ginger.
20.       To enhance the digest system we can consume a slice of a ginger couple of times before meal.
21.       Ginger Protects from cancer.

22.       Abnormal growth of microorganisms controls by ginger.
23.       Ginger powder controls muscle pain, joint pain, and body pain.
24.       Reduces Blood sugar level and cholesterol levels

25.       Regularly consume a glass of ginger waterherbal tea, ginger tea reduces acidity, fat burn, etc,

Demerits of Ginger

26.       Excess consuming of ginger may cause of Diarrhoea and heartburn.
27.       Similarly ginger will behave vise versa, throat and mouth irritation may occur by extra consuming ginger.


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