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9 health benefits of cabbage

9 health benefits  of cabbage Fresh Bok choi Why  Cabbage  in Healthy Diet?   Cabbage  is a popular leafy green vegetable.  Cabbage  is formed of thick leaves layer that comes in green, white, and purple colors. Cabbage  is easily used in a variety of dishes. We can introduce in our disc in curry, soups, and salads. (in comparison with steaming or boiling or frying) Cabbage is easily available in most Region of the world, Chlorophyll is the pigment that gives Cabbage its renowned green color. The active role in converting sunlight into energy . So it is no doubt this amazing vegetable is packed with vitamin. Fresh   Cabbage contains                       92 percent water, 6 percent carbohydrates, 1 Percent Protein, very less Fat Cabbage Nutrient contains Vitamin C- 44 Percent, Vitamin K-72 Percent, Vitamin B6, Folate.    Cabbage cuisines  Steaming Cabbage    Steaming Cabbage is an easy and healthy cuisine. China, Nepal, Bhutan, and Europea

16 Amazing Facts Of Mangoes

16  Amazing Facts Of    Mangoes Lalbagh Mangoes  Mangoes   are nutrient-dense fruits with numerous health benefits....         Mangoes are very very well known fruit for his taste, varieties, and odor.             These sweet, juicy, and tasty are rich in antioxidants, fiber, beta carotene, vitamins, and minerals.          Mangoes are native from South Asia reasons.              The common Mango or Indian Mango (Mangifera Indica) has been delivered  the whole World.     1. Mango Production:  India has long been a major producer of mangoes in the world. With 18.43 million tons, India accounts for 36 percent of the global production of 49.9 million tons.    2.   Types of Mangoes: It is very difficult to say regarding types of mangoes. But it is considered that more than more 1000 varieties of mangoes are available. Among them Alphonso, Chausa, Lengra, Banganpali, Dasheri, Neelum, and Himsagar are Popular variety of Mangoes. 3. Eating Mango

18 Unknown facts of Sugarcane.

18 Unknown facts of   Sugarcane             Sugarcane Cultivation                   Sugarcanes  belong to the grass family Poaceae. It is considered that About 70% of the sugar produced globally comes from a species of sugarcane Saccharum officinarum . Universally Sugarcane used for   Sugar production. 1 .     Approximately 80% of the world’s sugar is only produced from  Sugarcane 2.        India became the world's largest sugar producer in the Year of  2018/2019. India beating out Brazil for the first time in 16 years. India produced over 33 million metric tons of sugar in a single cultivation year. This Vast amount of sugar is 19% of the world's total sugar production of 179 million metric tons. 3 .             Sugarcane juice is a homogeneous mixer of sucrose, fructose , and many other glucose varieties. That is why it is sweet in taste. 4 .        Sugarcane predominantly grows in tropical and subtropical Climate region areas.

12 Unknown facts About Strawberry

  12 Unknown facts About Strawberry Strawberry     Strawberry is popularly grown as hybrid species. The fruit is appreciated for its prominent color and characteristic aroma. Strawberry is a bright red color, juicy texture, and sweetness. Strawberry is preferred in large quantities either fresh or in such prepared foods. 1.      Strawberry is more used as Juice, Jam, Pickle, Ice-cream, chocolates, Milkshakes, etc. Artificial strawberry flavors are also widely used in multiple products like chew gum, candy, soap, Lip gloss, perfume, Sanitisers, handwash, and many others. 2.      The Strawberry nutrients in (100 grams) of Raw strawberry : Water-91%, Calories-32%,Carbohydrate-7.7grams, Sugar-4.9gram, Fiber2gram Strawberry’s Benefits 3.      Strawberries are low in carbohydrates and calories . Strawberry juice benefits in fast weight loss . Strawberries are incredibly healthy and reduce blood sugar . 4.      While weight loss, Strawberries hav

10 Banana Nutrition Facts

  Banana   is one of the most popular healthy food on earth. The world's largest producers of Bananas in the year of 2017 were India and China .  Banana is highly convenient snack food. Banana   Another Banana fact is a great source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin, manganese. Banana contains useful vitamins like Vitamin A, B6   and Vitamin C ,  folate , and protein . Along with all of these vitamins and nutrients , Bananas are abundance helpful for general health and specific ailments from muscle cramps and headaches. Green Bananas used as varieties of cooking dishes such as deep-fried, boiled Banana.Banana soups etc. While Ripe Banana enjoys as a fruit salad, juice. Especially in the Americas and Europe, "Banana" usually prefers to soft, sweet, dessert. Also, Banana pancake also enjoyed in some countries. Banana chips are popular snacks.   India and China both countries produced Banana  a total of 27% of global production .  The