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Fire Discover

   Fire Discover has truly set the world ablaze. Fire Discover brought an evolutionary change in humans lifestyle.

Fire Discover 
How ancient people used fire
   It is an evident truth that Discover Fire was one of the great Discover by Ancient Tribe. It brought a change in humans. Fire Discover is a Picture scene: At a group of cavemen huddle in a cave, seeking shelter from a passing storm. Suddenly, lightning strikes a nearby tree, within a fraction of time which caught fire. This Fire burned few parts of forest & some wild animal’s too. Fire Discover was a Freighting moment but inspired incident, these cavemen went out. They brought burning sticks back into their cave & learned to use fire.
   Well, Fire Discover is much more complicated, fire Discover is truly historic and still very much a mystery to us yet. We do know that early men and women of the Stone Age had fire in their Regular lives,& used it to help shape their world. Literally. Rather than technology Fire Discover was truly set the world ablaze.
    Still it is a topic for debate. but there is evidence of hearths (fire pits) that date from 1.5 - 2 million years old at few areas of Africa countries.
Control of fire by early humans - Wikipedia
 Fire Discover(Ancient Time)
    Discover of Fire & Cooked Food
  The Discover of Fire by the ancestors to our species was a big deal. It allowed them a cooked food, which made the bacterias free and also made it easier to digest. Cooked food is easier to digest, which reduced the amount of energy required to process food. Energy could be used for developing brain mass and using the brain more often.
What is the main reason behind humans can't eat raw meat like other animals?
 Practically Fire allows us to produce light as well as heat. For Cooking plants & animals Fire used. To clean forests for planting, to heat-treat stone for making stone tools, to keep predator animals away, and to burn clay for ceramic objects.
 The reason is very simple. Cooking literally shaped the development of us. It was just because of Fire Discover. The cooking thought of human evolution during ancient times. And it basically indicates the fire Discover for cooking is a key factor that allowed for the evolution of humans. it's clear that fire  Discover was a  part of the ancient world by the time that humans evolved.
 This is also required new socialization patterns. Rather than eating on the run, ancient people had to share space around a fire and likely ate meals together. That may be the origin of our social needs and behavior.
   In the past among few methods used to make fire. People used to use Stone, Wood, Leaves First was by striking a special piece of iron (strike-a-light) on a piece of flint. The Alternet method was by the friction of two wood each other. The high Friction couple wood (“ancient time way”) was used in religious occasions.

Fire Discover in Castaway Movie
 Sometimes Our real life throws us at unexpected places, unexpected strange circumstances and no one but we on our own can get out of it. This is the truth of everyone’s life.

 Initially FedEx employee Chuck Nolan's  (Tom Hanks)  plane crashes, he ends up stranded on a lonely island for four years,  In order to survive himself, In Cast Away Movie Noland (Tom Hanks) needs to hunt for food and collect rains water for drinking purposes. When he finally makes a fire after spending days trying to make one.
  He tried a lot. In spite of his hand injury he didn’t give up. This is the actual example of fire Discover. He dances around in excitement.
Coincidentally fire Discover appeared scenes of movies resembles ancient people. 
Tom Hanks screams in Cast Away - YouTube
Hand injury Chunk(Tom Hanks)
                                 The Top Five Tom Hanks Yelling Scenes in Movies
                                              Fire Discover (Cast Away)  

   Due to Technology People left fire Discover behind.
The Last scene when he returned to his city, it was a very difficult moment for him to forget the fire Discover moment into that island.
This time The Actor had a very Modern fire lighter, Only just one click a beautiful fire glimpse appear. But It reminds him past fire Discover moment. It was going to be an emotional hurt to himself.
Modern firelighter 

    Cast Away movie attributes an excellent lesion for good fire Discover


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