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Apples Nutrition and benefits

What are the Key Benefits of  Apples???

Red Apples on Tree
Red Apples
Apples are one of the best fruits for weight loss.          

     Due to Low calorie, it helps to reduce weight. Apples generally contain around 50 calories per 100 grams. a very low-calorie diet can help a person to achieve a weight loss up to 2-3kg in a single week.
       Apart from Weight Loss we can consider as high fiber (Fiber accelerates our digestion system). The presence of fiber in Apples leave you to prevent from overeating habit. Which is essential for Modern Lifestyle.

   Water is the main component of AppleApples are also rich in antioxidants. It decreases risks of heart disease, diabetes, cancers, and hypertension, etc,,,

     Three Apples daily had greater weight loss results and lower blood glucose levels. Research says People who eat apples lost an average of 0.56 KG. Apple juice is to reduce hunger and control appetite. To reduced cholesterol levels Apples can be used in multiple ways. Apple can be enjoyed both cooked and raw. Apple uses hot and cold cereals, yogurt, stews, and salads. Apple can be enjoyed in the baking process also. In Regular diet, We can Use Apple as an Apple Juice, in fruit salad, dry Apple, etc... 

Green Apples

 Green Apples are a little sour and sweet in taste. They are full of nutrients, fiber, minerals, and vitamins. These Vitamins and Minerals are good for overall healthGreen apple helps to nourish the skin. Since Green apples are a plentiful dose of vitamin C, which helps in chronic and heart diseases

However, Green apples may contain slightly more fiber and fewer carbohydrates and sugar than red apples.
Green Apples
Green Apples  

Green Apples contain Calories: 52. Water: 86% Protein: 0.3 grams.
 Green apples are low-fat content fruits.It helps in maintaining good blood flow in the body. The carbohydrate content from Green apples coming from fructose. Fructose is a naturally occurring fruit sugar.


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