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Watermelon nutrition & Benefits

    Watermelons are highly cultivated fruit worldwide. Watermelons Nutrition perform a vital role part of a healthy diet...    

     Watermelons Refreshing low-calorie summer fruit.., Predominantly Watermelons are enjoyed as fruit salad, fruit juice, etc. Watermelon juice is widely used as a nutrition fruit juice. Considering a healthy fruit  Watermelons benefits for weight loss. Watermelons have a very high water content fruit.

Close-Up Photography of Sliced Watermelons

   There are several varieties of Water Melons present all over the world. Among them  five common types of watermelon are:
1.  Seeded
2.  Seedless
3.  mini,
4.  yellow
5.  orange
Photo of Watermelons
Seeded Watermelon

 Nutrition Fact of Watermelons

   Watermelons contain a healthy dose of amino acids, antioxidants, lycopene, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B6s, and vitamin C. Water: 91%, Protein: 0.6 grams., Carbs: 7.6 grams., Sugar: 6.2 grams., Fiber: 0.4 grams,Fat: 0.2 grams
   Being loaded with a large variety of nutrients. Watermelons are great and refreshing fat burner fruit.
 Benefits of Watermelons
1.  Water Melons are most low in calories and have a high water content fruit, This helps us to lose weight and keep us from dehydration.
2.  Watermelons improve our cardio function, lower oxidative stress. The Benefit of watermelon juice is to reduce inflammation.
3.  This could not be further from the truth that Watermelons are beneficial for skin. Watermelon contains vitamin C, which helps in cell structure and Immune Function. Vitamin C promotes wound healing too.
4.  Watermelon seeds are a great source of nutrients such as folate, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, potassium. These seeds are highly Nutritious. They are rich in Amino Acids, Proteins and Vitamin B Complex.You can eat Watermelon seeds Raw, straight from their fruit. They are non-toxic and it decreases to grow stomach acid. Therefore All these essential nutrients together help in boosting our body's metabolism.
5.  Watermelon is an absolutely safe fruit for people with diabetes to eat in small amounts.


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